Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Giddy-Up for Golf in Owensboro!

Tee Cee galloped over to Owensboro to support the Independent Insurance Agents of Owensboro. They were hosting their 16th Annual Golf Scramble held at Ben Hawes Golf Course... This was great fun and all for a great cause. The previous golf outings have helped benefit several families during the holidays through the local school family resource centers, Daniel Pitino Shelter Soup Kitchen, Sunrise Children's Services, Oasis, Goodfellows, The Help Office, Red Cross and local high schools for their after prom/graduation functions. Way to go Independent Insurance Agents of Owensboro! High Shoe to you!

Amber Guinn and Hope Yager registering the golfers!
I got a nametag too!

Where's Tee Cee... Can you see me?

I was so lucky to ride around with a great group. It was Peggy and Tara from the IIAK Staff and I got to meet Morris Smith of Summit Consulting and Jason Elder of Horn and France Insurance. It was a beautiful day with some really great people. BUT... You are never going to believe what happened next! We got to the third hole and Tara got a HOLE-IN-ONE. It was so exciting to witness. I felt like I just won the Derby -->We jumped up and down and screamed (I hope my hooves didn't damage the green... oops)!

Tara got a Hole-In-One!

 Keep on the look out for next year's event. You may even want to "pony up" and sponsor a hole!

Straight from the horse's mouth,

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tee Cee visits the B & B (Budget and Board Meeting)

I played a game when I was a colt called, "Follow the Leader." So I thought that it would be appropriate to do just that at my next two meetings.

Look how "Executive" I look with all of these Executive
Committee Members:)
I was so excited to meet the leadership of IIAK all in one place!

These people dedicate so much of their time to our organization and we couldn't survive without them. They attend all of our meetings and do so much "on the backside" to help our organization thrive.

First, I met the Executive Committee at the budget meeting for IIAK. The Executive Committee met in our new Training Center (next door to our office). Everyone was there including our Chair, Bill Latta, Chair-Elect, John Funkhouser, Vice-Chair, Michelle Love, Immediate Past Chair, Tim Conder, National Director, Steve Kinkade, Treasurer, James England.

We went through the budget line by line and talked about the future of the Association.

A couple of weeks later we "reined" in the rest of the Board for a REAL Board meeting in Henderson, Ky.

Look how spiffy this crew is!
Here is a list of all of our Board Members:
Chair, Bill Latta
Chair-Elect, John Funkhouser
Vice-Chair, Michelle Love
Immediate Past Chair, Tim Conder
National State Director, Steve Kinkade
Treasurer, James England
Board Members:
Chip Atkins
Jason Billington
Moe Dugger
David Houk
Diana Hunt
John Ison
Michael Johnson
Aaron LaRue
Skip McGaw
IIAK Staffers Peggy, Tara and Katie were all present too!

I so enjoyed "horsing around" with this group. You would love it too!

The best way to get involved is to join one or more of our committees. Please give the office a call or email if any of the below committees interest you. It is a great way to engage with other members... and the best part, most of the committees "corral" via conference call - So you don't have to leave your comfy chair!


Convention - Works with the staff to plan the convention program and the dates and locations for future conventions.
Education - Works with staff to assess and plan the IIAK Education program.

Health Benefits - Works with staff to evaluate the group health insurance program renewal and to help promote the program to members.

Industry Partners - Solicits companies to be annual sponsors of IIAK programs at different financial levels that offer different benefits to those companies at each level of support.
InVEST - Implements the InVEST program in Kentucky by educating communty
college students on careers in insurance and encourages them to pursue careers in the industry.

Government Affairs -
Works with the lobbying staff to monitor, report and affect federal and state legislative, regulatory and political activity important to agents.
Membership Services - Oversees all IIAK programs involving membership, products and services, and agency/company relations.

Public Relations - Develops programs to promote the Trusted Choice® brand and educate members on use of the Trusted Choice® brand.

Young Agents - Develops programs for young agents to further educate them and promote involvement in and awareness of the association.
Straight from the horse's mouth,

Monday, September 16, 2013

Tee Cee Goes to EeeeTown

Gerry Hignite and me shaking hooves!
Boy, have I been BUSY!

I had a HAY DAY in EeeeTown last month. I galloped all over Elizabethtown with Kristie and Tara. We started off our day at Curneal and Hignite. We met with Gerry Hignite who has been in the insurance biz for more than 40 years. He was one of the agents that co-founded the Young Agents. We talked about many products and services that IIAK offers. He blew out 69 candles the on the 17th of August! Happy Birthday Gerry!

Curneal & Hignite Insurance

Me and Jacob Hazle
Then we sauntered down the road to Duff Insurance Agency and chatted with Jacob Hazle. He was finishing up his Advertising Co-Op paperwork and his Project CAP profile. Jacob also qualifies to be a Young Agent, since he is under 40 years of age. (You can also qualify if you have been in the business less than 5 years!) Jacob's Dad, Dennis is the principal agent and has been ill. I hope he gets back in the saddle soon.

Daniel and Kim hanging with Me!
We moseyed over to Tabb Insurance where Daniel Tabb was working very hard. We sat down with him and talked about our different option for education including, our CRM Program, our Super Management program and ABEN (Agents and Brokers Education Network). We also talked to him about getting more involved with our Young Agents. I think he would be a great candidate:)

Me and Paula Bunnell hugging

We jumped on over to Burris Insurance and met with Paula Bunnell. She is one of two agents in her office. We talked to her about Big "I" Markets and helped her gain access to the Professional liability website.

We hurdled over to a prospective member and told them how great it is to be a member of IIAK. We talked briefly about our many member benefits.

Next we trotted over to see Norbert Skees of Skees & Shipp. Norbert was interested in more
information on affordable healthcare. He wasn't sure if he had ever logged in to Big "I" Markets so we told him we would check when we headed down the stretch back home!
                                                                                                               Check out my "Selfie" with Norbert's sign! -->

Heading back to the Ville we came to a halt at Lee & Marshall Inc. and dropped off some great information.

<--Thought I would rest here for a minute:)

Straight from the Horse's Mouth,